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Foot pain keeping you down?

S. Araujo

A majority of the population will experience foot pain to some degree at least once in their lifetime. Admittedly, foot pain can be a bit of a head scratcher for a lot of people. I have found that many times, patients cannot pinpoint a trigger or a good timeline for their pain.

General presentations such as #heelpain and #archpain along with many others tend to have a common underlying factor: foot function! As chiropodists, we find that poor footwear and faulty foot mechanics tend to create the so-called 'perfect storm' for acute foot and leg pain.

Some tips:

-Foot pain is NOT normal and should be addressed and assessed by a podiatric practitioner (your local chiropodist/podiatrist)

-When you experience the initial signs of foot pain (i.e. swelling, redness, bruising), have it looked at sooner than later as these problems tend to become chronic!

-Spend the time to find footwear that is best suited for YOUR feet. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches down the road.

-A pedorthist or comfort #shoestore will be able to adequately address your foot concerns and have you fitted in a great pair of shoes.

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Until next time,

Your friendly chiropodist

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